Monday, June 10, 2019

International Space Station opens its doors to tourists

International Space Station opens its doors to tourists


NASA plans to organize "tourist" flights to the International Space Station starting in 2020, but a one-person trip will cost a heavy price and impose several tough conditions.

The ISS is still the domain of space scientists representing state space agencies, meaning that private agencies can not send one to the scientific facility.

But NASA said in a statement on Sunday that the international station would open its doors to commercial flights, meaning private companies would be able to organize flights to the station.

The statement added that the agency may allow two flights a year, but a short period, to allow access to the International Space Station.

The flights will be funded in particular, and the transfer to the station will be through Boeing and SpaceX, which are currently developing two capsules that can carry people towards the ISS.

According to preliminary estimates, the transfer of one person is expected to cost about $ 50 million, but this number could rise further.


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